Meet the "Dadpreneurs": When Business Gets Personal -

2 min read

In recent years, moms have been in the spotlight for tackling problems facing parents and finding solutions to turn into thriving businesses they’re otherwise known as “mompreneurs.”

But they aren’t alone. Many dads are also going above and beyond turning their bright ideas to improve family life into successful business ventures. 

With Father’s Day upon us, it’s time to show appreciation and gratitude for all the things dads do. From teaching us lessons, to giving advice, to always being there, dads do a lot for their families, both in life and in business. 

Jon Sumroy

As a father of four, Sumroy found it difficult to travel with his kids and their booster seats. The seats were bulky and heavy, and multiple seats didn’t fit in many transportation vehicles. Often his children were forced to sit without booster seats, risking their safety. Sumroy’s frustration led to the creation of mifold, the most advanced, compact, and portable child car safety seat in the world.



Ten times smaller than a regular booster seat, mifold brings the seat belt down to the child, instead of boosting them up, like traditional booster seats. mifold is so small it can even fit into a back pocket. Multiple seats can fit easily in a vehicle, and the ease of use makes it a simple alternative to booster seats. mifold is just as safe as the standard booster seat.

Sumroy’s solution defined a need in the parenting community: after putting mifold on Indiegogo to raise funds, the company reached their funding goal in just 2 hours. They have now raised more than $1.5 million, and mifold has sold to more than 100 countries.